Al fondo riela (Lo Otro del Uno)


All transcendent moments are followed by a dark night of the soul. Beneath the slow passing of clouds, the dark, tumultuous sea rises to engulf everything. Atop it, Rocío Molina dances Al Fondo Riela, the antithesis of Inicio (Uno), the meeting with Lo otro de Uno (The Other). “On stage, I am accompanied by my own ego and two completely different guitarists. Eduardo Trassierra is harmony and technical complexity. Yerai Cortés is natural intuition. Al Fondo Riela is a piece about reflection and the loss of reality, a work where all the ghosts of my past emerge. You have to suffer through it to reach the third part, which will be a liberation.”

Dressed in spartan black, Molina spars with two guitarists. She dances farrucas, seguiriyas, bulerías, soleás, in a constant struggle with her own image, with Lo Otro de Uno (The Other), who forces her down into the depths of all her own fears. Vanity, ambition, pride, solitude… but Al fondo riela (it glimmers in the depths). A trembling light pulsates at the end of the never-ending soleá, colour seeps back into the darkness. The liberation, the Vuelta al Uno (Return to the Self), is near.


Original idea, artistic direction and choreography: Rocío Molina

Original composition: Eduardo Trassierra y Yerai Cortés

Concept development: Nerea Galán

Art direction: Julia Valencia

Scenic space: Antonio Serrano, Julia Valencia, Rocío Molina

Lighting design, animation and projections: Antonio Serrano

Sound design: Javier ÁLvarez

Costume design: Julia Valencia

Costume making López de Santos

Hat making: Benjamín Bulnes

Lycra dress making: Maty

Shoes Rocío Molina: Gallardo Dance

Gloves: Guanterías

Program text: Nerea Galán


Dance: Rocío Molina

Guitar: Eduardo Trassierra y Yerai Cortés

Technical direction and lighting technician: Antonio Serrano

Lighting technician: Antonio Valiente

Sound: Javier Álvarez

Stage manager: María Agar Martínez

Executive direction: El Mandaito Producciones S.L.

Production: Danza Molina S.L

Coproduction: Chaillot, Théâtre national de la Danse, Paris; Teatros del Canal – Comunidad de Madrid; Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla; Théâtre de Nîmes , Scène Conventionnée d’intérêt national –  art et création  – Danse Contemporaine; Scène Nationale Sud Aquitain

In collaboration with Teatro Cervantes de Málaga

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